Company & Commercial

“We have been providing cost efficient and effective legal services to businesses for over 30 years.”
Commercial and Company Law is all about business and business in Ireland has changed dramatically over the last decade. To meet this change, a vast amount of new legislation has been enacted by our legislature to control business relations, provide for smooth European integration and enforce compliance with domestic and European regulations. The effect has been that every business will require legal advice on commercial or regulatory matters at some stage. As solicitors in partnership, we know the business of business. Running a business these days usually means being an expert at more or less everything. But you can’t be an expert in the huge amount of legislation aimed at business. That’s where legal advice comes in.
Our Solicitors have the necessary experience and knowledge to advise clients on all aspects of Company and Commercial law. At West Lex Solicitors we are dedicated to delivering concise and reliable legal advice to our business clients. We endeavor to provide focused, efficient and creative responses to our clients’ requirements so that they may achieve their business objectives. We recognise that sound practical advice and prompt action are necessary to protect and safe guard individuals and company rights and assets.
Resolving a business dispute in the courts can be time consuming, expensive and unpredictable. Seeking legal advice during the early stages of a business agreement is a sound investment, which minimises the risk of wasting time and money at a later stage.
Get In Touch
Our Solicitors have the necessary experience and knowledge to advise clients on all aspects of Company and Commercial law. Get in touch to see how we can help your business.
Commercial Law Services
Commercial Law
Commercial law (sometimes known as business law) is the body of law that governs business and commercial transactions. Commercial transactions are generally effected through the medium of contracts and many of the rules of commercial law are applications, and sometimes modifications of the general principles of contract law. Commercial law has implications for many people, be they consumers, employers, employees or company directors.
This is a very broad area but here are some of the situations in which we have been involved:
Company Formation
Shareholders agreements
Asset and goodwill sale business-to-business including transfer of pension fund
Partnership agreements and disagreements
Partnership dissolution
Purchase of land, buildings by share transfer
Licensed premises purchase, sale and leasing
Adjoining premises purchase and consequent court application for new license for extended premises
Business franchise agreements
Bank security / loans / overcharging by banks
Debt collection
Talk to us today to see how we can help your business.
Debt Collection
Managing credit control is always a priority for business owners and managers. Our firm can assist you to recover your debts, of whatever size, speedily and very cost effectively.
We begin with a request for payment, polite but firm. Assuming there is no response, proceedings are issued and pursued to judgment and enforcement as necessary.
According to the circumstances of the case we can attempt to secure your position by the registration of a judgment / judgment mortgage and we can apply for well charging orders, garnishee orders, orders appointing equitable receivers as well as examination orders and (in suitable cases) assets freezing orders.
We have a Case Management System to help with the production of the necessary legal papers and we keep you advised of progress as each case proceeds.
Talk to us today to see how we can help your business.
Company Law
The process to consolidate and modernise Irish company law was initiated in response to the increasing complexity of Irish company law was is based on 12 Acts, numerous Statutory Instruments and other provisions derived from both common law and EU Law.
Irish company formation procedures are carried out in accordance with the legal requirements as laid down by the Companies Act 1963 to 2014. Companies once incorporated are policed within the jurisdiction by the Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement.
Certificate of Incorporation
Company Constitution
In Ireland the majority of companies were either private limited companies (usually identified by the word “Limited” or the abbreviated “Ltd”), and public limited companies (usually identified by the abbreviation “Plc).
Private limited companies are the most common form of corporate personality in this jurisdiction, since the introduction of the Companies Act 2014, there has been a number of new company types with specific designation and function which are set out in the link to the CRO in the next section.
Talk to us today to see how we can help your company.
To form a company under the Companies Acts, 1963 – 2014, certain documents must be prepared which will form the constitution of the company.
This is a very broad area but here are some of the situations in which we have been involved which are set out in the link below.
Company Constitution
The constitution states the name of the company, the fact that the company is a private company limited by shares, any additional reguatlation the company may wish to specify and takes the form set out in Schedule 1 of the companies act 2014.
Talk to us today to see how we can help your business.
Get In Touch
Our Solicitors have the necessary experience and knowledge to advise clients on all aspects of Company and Commercial law. Get in touch to see how we can help your business.